Antichrist 10 Kings Kingdom

The Coming Antichrist KingdomTen Iron and Clay Toes The current European Union (EU) is the location and structure that most resembles a coming Antichrist Kingdom. The 10 Final Kings of the 24 Kings of the Antichrist System Kingdom After this I (Daniel) saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast [Rome – 6th...

Feast of Trumpets 2020

The Open Door (Temple Gate) Entrance Into Heaven Is the door that the Apostle John saw open in Heaven the East Gate of the Heavenly Temple. b. θύρα (G2374) is used of any opening like a door, an entrance, way or passage into: Levitical Temple – Aaronic Priesthood Then the glory of the LORD departed...

The 3 Holy Feast Seasons

The 3 Judeo-Christian Feast Groups Explained! Three times in a year shall all [those who desire to] thy males appear before the LORD thy God in the place which He shall choose [i.e. Temple Mount]; in the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Passover – Holy Week), and in the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot – Pentecost), and...

Pentecost – Feast of Trumpets

Pentecost 2018 – Feast of Trumpets 2018 There are several longstanding blatant errors and misconceptions regarding the Feast of Pentecost #1. Pentecost isn’t 50 days after Easter it’s 50 days (7 weeks + 1 day) after the Passover Sabbath (Saturday the day before the Feast of First Fruits, aka Easter) or 49 days (7 weeks)...

Wolfhart Pannenberg

Updates: April 15, 2018 Theologian Wolfhart Pannenberg (1928-2014) Wolfhart Pannenberg (2 October 1928 – 4 September 2014) was a German theologian. He has made a number of significant contributions to modern theology, including his concept of history as a form of revelation centered on the Resurrection of Christ, which has been widely debated in both...

The Resurrection Life

Updates: March 12, 2018 The Resurrection – Life  Truths That Transform – Is There Really Life After Death? C.S. Lewis on Longing (in The Weight of Glory) C.S. Lewis words this argument more succinctly in Mere Christianity: “Creatures are not born with desires unless satisfaction for these desires exists. A baby feels hunger; well,...

Evangelical Holy Week 2019

A Ten Day Journey with Jesus ChristChristianity for Christians – Reality and Faith United  Presenting a New Era in Modern Christianity!Holy Week 2019  Starting Friday, April 12th 2019 until — Easter Sunday, April 21st 2019 A Timeline, Devotional and Biblical Explanation of the Events of the Original Ten Days of Holy Week Jesus Walk 2019...

Final blog Post

Celebrating 20 Years of Christian Service Ministry 1998 – 2018 But all of you are come unto Mount Sion (Zion), and unto the city of the living God, the Heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of Angels, To the general assembly and Church of the Firstborn, which are written in Heaven, and to God...

Ambrose Epistle to the Ephesians

Updates: March 3, 2018 Introduction to the letters of Saint AmbroseLETTER LXXVI At Irenaeus’ request S. Ambrose points out the scope of the Epistle to the Ephesians. Therein is proposed to us a heavenly inheritance, a seat in heavenly places together with Christ, Who has obtained freedom for us. It sets forth to us charity,...

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